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BOS Minutes - 3/3/03
Board of Selectmen
Town Hall Hearing Room
March 3, 2003

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairman Roger L. Putnam, Jr.  Selectmen present included Michael May, Dale Donovan and Michael Parlante. Selectman Jerry Houk was absent.  Town Administrator Tim Smith also attended.

The Board discussed:
1.   Beach Cleanup - Selectman Parlante suggested scheduling a beach cleanup to clear the beaches of shellfishing nets.  On a motion by Donovan, seconded by May, the Board voted unanimously to authorize Selectman Parlante to contact the National Seashore and other interested parties to organize a beach cleanup.
2.   FY 2004 Budgets - the Town Administrator noted that he is working on new State aid numbers, that per the vote of the Board he has trimmed $110,000 out of the budget, that he is still looking at health insurance costs, that he will be meeting with State and local officials to discuss State budget impacts and that current budget figures will change.  The Town Administrator outlined his $110,545 of budget reductions.
3.   STM/ATM Warrants:
-    Special Town Meeting - on a motion by Donovan, seconded by Parlante, the Board voted unanimously to place transfers from Town Reports & Warrants to Traffic/Parking Control and internal line transfers for the Fire Department in Article 1 of the STM warrant.
-    Annual Town Meeting:
-    Petitioned Housing Authority articles (transfer lot #39, Map 8; lot #602, Map 23; lot #24, Map 7 to the Housing Authority) - on a motion by Parlante, seconded by May, the Board voted unanimously to forward these articles to the Planning Board, Finance Committee, Open Space/Land Bank Committee, Conservation Commission, Board of Health, Housing Authority, and the Affordable Housing Task Force for recommendation.
-    Mandatory Water Connections - it was noted that since the Board of Health has amended Regulation 508, this article is no longer necessary.  On a motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted unanimously to eliminate this article.
-    General Bylaw Amendments (Article III, Town Affairs:  new section regarding  Selectmen giving orders to employees and new section requiring Board/Committee and Town Meeting approval of a Policy or Management Plan; Article III, Section 7 add language regarding use of Town real property) - the Town Administrator noted that Town Counsel's recommendation on these articles is expected by Friday.  There was consensus to delay action on these articles until next Monday's meeting.
4.   Other Business - it was requested that Special Town Meeting/Annual Town Meeting warrant articles be scheduled for discussion at 8:00 p.m. on next Monday's agenda and that the Administrative Assistant reserve the Library Meeting Room for the evening of March 17th in case the Board wishes to schedule a meeting.

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On a motion by Parlante, seconded by May, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 6:58 p.m.

                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                        Linda Smulligan
                                                        Administrative Assistant

Roger L. Putnam, Jr.                                    Michael May

Dale Donovan                                            Michael Parlante